These rules apply only to items owned by the Ventress Memorial Library. Items that belong to other libraries may have different loan periods, renewal policies, late fees, and other rules.
Item | Circulation Rules |
Books |
DVDs & Blu-Rays: TV Series | |
Audiobooks | |
Listen & Read Kits | |
Music CDs | |
Books: Browsing Collection |
Magazines |
DVDs & Blu-Rays: Movies |
Jigsaw Puzzles |
Board Games |
Video Games |
Talking Books |
Electronic Equipment |
Ukuleles | |
STEAM Kits | |
Backpack Kits | |
American Girl Dolls | |
American Girl Doll Accessories | |
Returnable Museum Passes |
Book Club Kits |
You must present your library card to the circulation desk in the main area of the library to check out items. A photo of the library card or the card number entered into a digital wallet app are also acceptable as long as there is a scannable barcode. Patrons who forget their library cards may present their photo ID to check out.
You may only check out items on another patron’s account if you have that person’s library card with you. You may only pick up another patron’s holds if you present their library card, or if you are members of the same library card group. Family members are not automatically entered as a library card group; you must fill out a library card group form if you'd like to be able to pick up each other's holds. Library card group forms may be picked up at the circulation desk.
Most Ventress items may be returned to any OCLN library, either in the book drop or inside the library. However, some fragile items must be returned directly to the Ventress Library check out desk during our open hours (see Circulation Rules above). If one of these items is returned in the book drop or to a different library, you may be charged a $5 fine. If the item sustains damage, you may be charged up to the full replacement cost of the item.
Most items may be renewed for 1 to 2 additional loan periods as long as there are no holds on the item (see Circulation Rules above).
Items may not be renewed until 3 days before their due date. If you have automatic renewals enabled, you will be notified by email if an item was able to be automatically renewed.
Most Ventress Memorial Library items do not incur late fees. However, some special or valuable items carry late fees of $5/day (see Circulation Rules above). Other libraries in OCLN have different fine policies, and items belonging to other libraries might incur late fees.
Items with multiple pieces will not be checked in until all pieces have been returned, and will accumulate late fees if applicable. This includes book club kits, children's kits and dolls, and electronic equipment.
Late fees can only be paid after the item has been checked in.
If an item checked out to your account is lost or damaged, you may be charged up to the full replacement cost of the item. This includes cases where only one part of a multi-part item, such as a board game or book on CD, is lost or damaged. Replacement charges will be applied to your library account.
Items that are 45 days overdue are assumed to be lost, and you will be automatically billed the replacement cost on your library account. If the item is returned undamaged, this replacement charge will be cleared.
Charges of $5 or more may be paid through the online catalog by credit or debit card (see How Do I Use the Catalog?). Most charges of any amount may be paid in person at the circulation desk by cash or check. However, item replacement charges for items that belong to other libraries may not be paid with cash unless you visit the owning library. These charges can be paid by check at the Ventress or by card online.
Accounts with $15 or more in charges are blocked from checking out physical or digital items, placing holds on physical items, reserving museum passes, and using our online databases until the charge is resolved.