The Friends are eagerly awaiting every little indicator of spring! Hoping to hasten its arrival, we are offering books on Gardening in the special sale section. Whether you want to get the seedlings started now, make plans for your nursery purchases later, or simply enjoy nature photographs, you’ll find something to put a spring in your step. You’ll find these books at the entrance to our Friends’ Book Shop.
Our lobby bookcase will honor St. Patrick’s Day all month, with both fiction and nonfiction books that celebrate the Irish.
The Friends conduct ongoing sales of books, movies, puzzles and more in the Friends’ Book Shop. Located in the corridor between the Main Desk and the Children’s Room, the Friends’ Book Shop honors longtime volunteer Jean Christensen. Here you will find very reasonably-priced adult fiction, non-fiction, and AV materials, along with fiction for teens and tweens. Another bookcase just around the corner houses books for tween and teen readers, and children's books are offered for sale in a low bookcase at the entrance to the Children's Room. Sales of special themes or formats are held periodically, so visit frequently to see what's new!
Friends of the Ventress Library
PO Box 298
Marshfield, MA 02050