The library will be closed on Monday, January 20th for the Martin Luther King Day holiday. We will reopen our usual hours on Tuesday, January 21st.
We have an exciting selection of digital materials that you can borrow with your library card - without ever leaving your house. Select a category below to jump to a section.
With Hoopla you can borrow ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and comics right to your personal devices. You can even stream movies, music, and TV shows. Hoopla is available on most phones and tablets, and select smart TVs and car dashboards.
In order to use the Ventress Memorial Library Hoopla account, you MUST have a Marshfield card--cards from other libraries in our network have different barcodes and will not authenticate.
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby App by Overdrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader! You can also access borrowed content on your computer with Overdrive. In addition to borrowing ebooks and audiobooks from Old Colony Library, Network, you have access to all other Massachusetts library systems as a cardholder at a partner library - learn more about accessing partner libraries on Libby!
Libby App | OverDrive | Libby Help
Kanopy is a top streaming service for quality, thoughtful entertainment, with an expertly curated collection of narrative and documentary films. Access it on your computer, with the Kanopy app on your personal device or smart TV, or through Libby!
Click on a heading below to jump to a section.
View articles from local papers such as the Cape Cod Times, Patriot Ledger, and more. Click on one of the more popular publications below or visit America's News by Newsbank for even more local papers!
Keyword search for Boston news articles or browse all three publications (print newspaper, digital news, and Globe Magazine) by date. Coverage ranges from 1980 to the present.
This is a free database listing of regional and local newspapers - you do not need your library card for access. The Newspapers & Magazines section on the Internet Public Library features an exhaustive collection of such online newspapers and magazines websites that can be browsed by theUnited States and its respective states, continents/regions and their respective countries, and broad collections and various topics under them. It links to many local papers of interest, including:
We provide free access to the New York Times online for all public computers inside the library. If you are at home, you may follow these steps to access The New York Times for 72 hours off-site:
Massachusetts residents may also sign up for a Boston Public Library ecard to digitally access the Boston Herald and Wall Street Journal.